Decommissioned Strategies

It seems that sometimes strategies just stop working and you can't find a way to jumpstart them again.
Bad. But new strategies seem to pop up just in time to replace the old ones.
Further research is indicated.

GKYZ Strategy (GALA)

Solid strategy based on traditional trading theory

Diagnosis: Strategy Decay, Possibly Terminal

Former Strategy Stats

Profit/Drawdown Ratio 700% - 1000%
Profitable since February 2023
Trades per week 4 - 7
Coin Gala

Twin Range Strategy (LDO)

Promising strategy based on an experimental indicator

Diagnosis: Strategy Decay, Possibly Terminal

Former Strategy Stats

Profit/Drawdown Ratio 400%
Profitable since April 2023
Trades per week 7
Coin Lido DAO

Mystery Strategy (ETH)

Was a: Very profitable strategy using the MACD indicator

Here is the story.

Chinese traders are currently trying to  revive good old Mystery Strategy for Ethereum. (No joke, they actually do, I'm talking to them.)
If you visit this website regularly, I will keep you posted about any news about the occidental revival.
For now, I consider Mystery Strategy dead.

Strategy Stats

Profit/Drawdown Ratio > 800%
Currently profitable? No
Profitability Period December 2022 to May 2023
Trades per week 4
Coin Ethereum